Saturday, January 5, 2013

Promises, Promises

Hello to 2013 and Ugh! to resolutions! They're the worst! That feeling of obligation you get when Dec. 31st rolls around and you give into the push that you need to set something in stone before New Year's.  Then the ultimate feeling of defeat when you screw up mid-January. Basically, I hate resolutions in the same way I hate diets. So this year I've decided instead of resolutions, I'm making a promise to myself. A promise to love and take better care of myself, enjoy each day and moment as it comes, a promise to live in the now, and ultimately a promise to be better to the people, animals, and surroundings around me. These promises aren't anything new, people make them all the time, but this year my number one promise is to love myself more and, by extension, be kinder to myself when I don't reach all my goals immediately. Which, to me, is not what I've done in resolutions of years past.

So far we are five days into the new year and just by promising to love myself more, I've already been able to wake up without coffee, do a daily shot of wheat grass, and take walks. Small things, but things that are already having a huge effect on my mental state. I'm not pressuring myself to get these things done each day, I just simply do them when the moment hits. So far I feel like a goddess in miniature.

So this year instead of making resolutions, try making a promise to yourself. A promise to LOVE instead of restrict, to PRACTICE what you preach instead of only preaching, and to GIVE time to enjoy nature instead of watching it on Animal Planet. Very simple promises that don't cost a thing and leave your body, mind, and spirit feeling like a goddess.

“You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection.”
- Buddha

Happy Saving!!


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