Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Saving this planet one paycheck at a time

Hello readers, friends, fellow Earth lovers, oceans lovers, animal lovers, and everyone in between. It's me, Laura, aspiring activist, sometimes actress, loving wife, dedicated children's yoga teacher,and at times an extremely frustrated environmentalist, oh yeah and newly self published blogger. Just your average everyday West Virginian turned NYC girl  who has decided to lay it all out on the line for Mother Earth. Which brings me to my blog. This is a blog, (que inspirational music), about one girls journey into the world of Eco activism, sustainability, and living green in the concrete jungle where dreams are made of ...NYC. I've decided to stop taking a backseat, or trunk seat is more like it, approach to saving this planet and start driving this "hybrid". I know, I know not the most original idea for a blog, but what better bandwagon to jump on then the wagon that gives the least amount of carbon emissions (insert laugh from friends Joe and John who will find my attempt at Eco humor and my constant use of parenthesis, laughable).

The real reason I wanted to start this blog is to give other backseat environmentalist a chance to read about a person who will succeed at a number of things, but also fail miserably at others. It is my goal to showcase what kind of difference someone, without any financial backing, zero celebrity status, paycheck to paycheck lifestyle, and sometimes lazy habits, can do to change this world for the better. Trust me when I say , if I can shrink my carbon footprint, clean-up the beaches and oceans, eat locally, cutback on materialistic shopping, cutdown on TV, water, electricity, AND still maintain my can you!!

With all that being said I ask you to raise your glass of cyber organic local red wine and join me as I wish myself luck to the following year of total Eco awareness. May it be a year of growth, both internally and in the small garden I attempt to grow on my fire escape, as well as a year of answers to questions like, "does NYC really separate out recyclable items from the subway trash like they say they do?" and "Who do I talk to about shutting off Times Squares lights for 5 minutes during the day?" Good luck self (cyber clink, cyber clink).

And so the journey begins. Meet me here every Friday as I wrap up the weeks hits and misses. Hopefully you will enjoy the ride and learn something along the way. In the mean time I've decided to list a few of the books and websites that have inspired this call to action. These books were not only fact filled, but extremely fun to read.


(many more books and sites to come)

 Happy Saving!!


"We have forgotten how to be good guests, how to walk lightly on the earth as its other creatures do."
-Barbara Ward


At April 15, 2011 at 5:16 PM , Blogger Mary said...

Love that your embarking on this journey Laura. It's certainly not easy to make the changes you are writing about but I believe every little bit helps. Next time we see you we'll have to show you the book Grace wrote for Neal for Christmas. It's about a family of environmental superheroes fighting to save the Earth. :) Keep writing!!!


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